Athletics Alberta Warm Up to Worlds

Client: Athletics Alberta
Athletics Alberta reached out to have us first promote and then cover the Warm Up to Worlds event featuring hundreds of athletes from around the world. The client wanted a fast-paced video showcasing the intensity and joy of the event in an effort to encourage both athletes and fans to return the following year. The video would be a highlight reel from the event to be used on several platforms but also cut down into even shorter videos for social media.
We had a producer and two shooters covering all angles of the event to ensure we captured every moment of the future Olympians, the excited crowd and the interactions between the two. We used slow motion, wide shots and close ups to allow for a snappy and eye-catching finished product. With multiple groups taking part in the event, we used several logos to showcase the cooperation between athletic groups and governing bodies. Editing shots to the music created a quick and fun to watch video, making the viewer feel like they were trackside at the event.
This was our third project with Athletics Alberta which has become a recurring client. The video has received more than 6,500 views on the Athletics Alberta social media alone.